Want to book multiple rooms?

Want to book multiple

Use this page only to book multiple accommodations / rooms within the same booking.
Please review the maximum capacity of each room before confirming your booking.

Please follow the process below:

  • Step 1 : Select check in and check out Dates and click ‘Search
  • Step 2 : From the options available, click on ‘Book‘ for all the rooms that you want to book.
  • Step 3 : Once you are happy with all the rooms you have booked, click on ‘Confirm Reservation‘.
  • Step 4 : You will be redirected to a ‘Booking Confirmation‘ page, where you may add meals or additional guests.
  • Step 5 : Fill out all the information and click on ‘Book Now‘.
  • Step 6 : You will be redirected to the ‘Checkout‘ page, where you can review your bookings and complete the payment.
  • Step 7 : Upon successful payment, you will receive an email with your booking confirmation.

If you want to book a single accommodation / room, we recommend you to click here and click on ‘Book Online’ button against the accommodation / room you are interested in.

Required fields are followed by *

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